To set up your connection on Windows Vista:


1. Single-click Start, and then Connect To...

2. Single-click Set up a connection or network towards the bottom of the window...

3.Single-click Set up a dial-up connection and click Next...

4. On this page:

  • In the Dial-up phone number field, enter the dialup phone number given to you by MMCTSU.
  • In the User name field, enter your username in the form of
  • Enter the password given to by MMCTSU in the Password field. If you are unsure if you typed it correctly, you can click Show characters to show you what you typed.
  • Type MMCTSU in the Connection name field.
  • Be sure to put a check mark next to Allow other people to use this connection. A pop up box will come up that you will need to click Continue to.
  • Click Connect

5. If the test is unsuccessful, this is not abnormal. Click Set up the connection anyway...

6. Click Close and you're done! Should you want to connect to the Internet, simply open a browser (such as Internet Explorer), or by clicking Start, and then Connect To.